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Some Poetry 

Blue Leaf


The sky is an infinite blue leaf
In the throat of Lord Shiva
Acting as an antidote
To the poison He swallowed
After samudra manthana;
Let us tend this leaf lovingly,
For our own sake.


(with gratitude to The Free Dictionary; Swami Atmapriyananda)

20th August 2019, RMIC, Kolkata

Union Leader​


I’m a self-appointed union leader
In Your global factory
Demanding the highest possible wages
For us all:


June 2013, Kolkata

One Look​


In one look,
You gave so much sweetness
To an old, wounded beggar,
That he felt like a prince;
I will keep your alms
Sweet one,
They will fill my hungry heart
More than food.


2014, RMIC, Kolkata

For any book inquiries, please contact the Writers Workshop:

C-532 Lake Gardens, Kolkata 700045, India

© Nileen Putatunda, 2023; the website has been developed by Nileen's friend Sachin

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